Proposed models for applying realistic evaluation strategies in evaluating lower grade students in schools in the southern governorates of Palestine


  • Dr.Mohamed Hassan Abu Rahma MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Abd al-Rahman al-Zaeem MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author
  • Dr.hussein Abu Leila MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author



Realistic calendar, assessment, lower grades


The study aims to develop proposed models for applying realistic evaluation strategies in evaluating lower grade students in schools in the southern governorates of Palestine, for the purpose of achieving the objectives of the study. The researchers used the descriptive analytical survey method. . It also recommended to encourage teachers through the application of the system of material and moral incentives for teachers of the lower stage to use realistic assessment and creativity in the production of its tools. She also pointed out the importance of preparing guidelines by the Ministry of Education and attaching models for implementing realistic evaluation strategies that explain the mechanisms for implementing realistic evaluation and calculating students' grades through it. It also emphasized the development of a strategy for cooperation and coordination between the Ministry of Education and colleges of education to include realistic evaluation in the plans of the different departments in colleges of education in universities. It also recommended evaluating teachers' performance on the basis of employing realistic evaluation in addition to evaluating other competencies. She noted the need to allocate part of the school's budget to implement the activities of realistic evaluation strategies in schools. Finally, it recommended reducing the teaching burden on teachers at the lower stage and reducing the number of students in classes, so as to allow teachers enough time to activate realistic evaluation.


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How to Cite

aburahma, mohammed, al-Zaeem, M., & أبو ليلة ح. (2022). Proposed models for applying realistic evaluation strategies in evaluating lower grade students in schools in the southern governorates of Palestine. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(3), 52-70.

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