"The Complex Connections Between the Social Status of the Palestinian Teacher and Their Job Performance: A Sociological Analytical Study of Mechanisms for Enhancing Professional Competence in Light of the Social and Political Challenges of the Palestinian Educational System"


  • dr.mohammed hasan Aburahma Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author
  • dr.mohammed abdulrahman Al-zaim Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author
  • dr.hussein A abu leila Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author




Social status, job performance, Palestinian teacher, professional competence, Palestinian educational system


This study aims to explore the complex connections between the social status of the Palestinian teacher and their job performance, and to analyze the mechanisms for enhancing professional competence in light of the social and political challenges faced by the Palestinian educational system. The researchers used the descriptive survey method, and the study tool was a questionnaire consisting of 15 items. The study sample included 180 male and female teachers from public high schools. The results highlighted that the social status of the teacher significantly impacts the enhancement of their job performance, with a relative weight of 87.34%. The study found no statistically significant differences in responses based on gender or academic qualifications, but there were significant differences related to years of service, favoring teachers with more than 10 years of experience. The study recommended several measures to improve the social and economic status of teachers, including a comprehensive review of teachers' salaries to enhance their social status and job performance. Additionally, it called for addressing the challenges faced by teachers by involving both the public and private sectors in finding solutions, and activating administrative oversight to ensure compliance with professional ethics and proper appearance.


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How to Cite

Aburahma, mohammed, Al-Za’im, mohammed, & abuleila, hussein. (2024). "The Complex Connections Between the Social Status of the Palestinian Teacher and Their Job Performance: A Sociological Analytical Study of Mechanisms for Enhancing Professional Competence in Light of the Social and Political Challenges of the Palestinian Educational System". Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 6(14), 252-270. https://doi.org/10.69867/7rfdwr17

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