the role of social networking sites on the promotion of cultural and religious identity of the Palestinian university students_ Islamic university _ a case study


  • Dr.mohammed Aburahma MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author
  • Dr.hussein Abu Leila MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author


networking sites promote the socio-cultural identity - Palestinian university


       The study aimed to identify the role of social networking sites on the promotion of cultural and religious identity of the Palestinian university students_ Islamic university _ a case study, and to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher using descriptive and analytical approach, the study sample consisted of 173 students from undergraduate at the Islamic University Gaza, which is suitable to conduct statistical treatments by percentage The researcher used the questionnaire as a tool of the study, and to analyze the questionnaires the researcher used SPSS ,The study concluded a number of conclusions and most important: - That the total score of the reality of the role of social media in the promotion of cultural and religious identity among university students emerged with a relative weight (33.77) estimate the degree of very few. - There were no statistically significant differences between mean scores of estimation sample study of the role of social media in the promotion of cultural and religious identity of the Palestinian university students, depending on the variables of the study members (sex- level political affiliation). The researcher recommends the following: 1. The need for experts from the Palestinian universities professors and experts of new media to allocate special pages to publish the general principles and outlines for the promotion of cultural and religious identity among university students so that they can through it to get an accurate, historical and documented information of different issues. 2. The for  training courses and workshops for all society and especially the youth category aimed at developing their skills in the recruitment of social networking sites on the promotion of cultural and religious identity.


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How to Cite

aburahma, M., & Abu leila , hussein. (2024). the role of social networking sites on the promotion of cultural and religious identity of the Palestinian university students_ Islamic university _ a case study. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(12), 69-92.

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