Suggested standards to ensure the quality of training staff in vocational schools in Gaza governorates
Suggested standards, quality, vocational education, PalestineAbstract
The study aimed to identify proposed standards to ensure the quality of the training staff in vocational schools in the southern governorates of Palestine. The researchers used the descriptive analytical approach. The researchers used a questionnaire and a personal interview in their study. The study sample consisted of (60) students from Hani Naim Agricultural School and Deir School ,One of the most important results of the study is that the degree of importance of the proposed standards to ensure the quality of the training staff was large, with a relative weight of 77.3, and the personal standards obtained the highest average, followed by the professional standards. The results showed that one of the obstacles to the application of standards to ensure the quality of the training staff in vocational schools is the lack of funding for the process Teacher training and employees not receiving their salaries, political division and lack of unified laws between the two parts of the country, the Zionist siege imposed on Gaza and the prevention of sending and traveling experts to and from the Gaza Strip, the teacher’s daily routine, which is difficult to change, the lack of teachers’ involvement in planning..
المصادر والمراجع
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