The components of the administrative renaissance in the Holy Qur’an, and demonstrated its educational applications, on the administrative and organizational structure of higher education


  • Dr.Emad Mohammed Abu ghory College of Islamic Da’wah, Gaza, Palestine Author
  • Dr.Mohammed Hasan Aburahma Palestinian Ministry of Education Author



Renaissance, the Holy Qur’an, administrative structure, higher education


The study aimed to identify the components of the administrative renaissance in the Holy Qur’an, and demonstrated its educational applications, especially on the administrative and organizational structure of higher education. The study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach, and the study reached results including: The study confirms the comprehensiveness and integration of the components of the administrative renaissance in the Holy Qur’an for administrative jobs and skills, the interest of the Holy Qur’an. The elements of administrative renaissance to achieve comprehensive quality, taking into account human values, and paying attention to their development, have applications to the administrative and organizational structure of Palestinian higher education. The study recommended that the Ministry of Higher Education pay attention to the administrative and organizational structure of higher education to ensure the achievement of administrative quality, and activate educational applications on the administrative and organizational structure of Palestinian higher education


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How to Cite

Abu ghory , E. ., & Aburahma, M. . (2024). The components of the administrative renaissance in the Holy Qur’an, and demonstrated its educational applications, on the administrative and organizational structure of higher education. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(12), 149-183.

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