"Faculty Members at Palestine University as Custodians of Human Values: Their Impact on Shaping Students' Ethical Concepts"


  • سليمان المزين Faculty of Education - Islamic University of Gaza, Palestine Author
  • Dr. Mohammad Abdulrahman Al-Za'im Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author
  • dr.mohammed hasan Aburahma Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author




Faculty members, human values, ethical concepts, enhancing educational role


This study aimed to explore the role of faculty members at Palestine University in promoting human values and shaping students' ethical concepts, as well as to identify ways to enhance this role. The study used a questionnaire consisting of 44 items, divided into three main areas: scientific values, social values, and personal values. The questionnaire was applied to a sample of 100 students from Palestine University. Additionally, interviews were conducted with 8 faculty members to gather their perspectives on how to enhance human values within the university environment. The results revealed that the role of faculty members in promoting human values among students was limited, with a relative weight of (46.20%) across the three areas. The findings also indicated no statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample based on gender, academic level, or faculty. The study recommends incorporating the promotion of human values into the evaluation of faculty members, providing training programs to help them develop effective strategies for instilling ethical values in students, and directing research activities and graduation projects towards issues of human values and their types.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

المزين س., Al-Za’im, M. ., & Aburahma, mohammed. (2024). "Faculty Members at Palestine University as Custodians of Human Values: Their Impact on Shaping Students’ Ethical Concepts". Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 6(14), 201-229. https://doi.org/10.69867/PEAJ0100

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