the degree of positive thinking and its relationship to psychological and social compatibility among orphan students in the southern governorates of Palestine


  • dr.mohammed hasan Aburahma Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author
  • dr.hussein A abu leila Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author
  • hanadi abdulrahman Arafat Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author



positive thinking،psychological and social harmony،orphan students


The study aimed to reveal the degree of positive thinking and its relationship to psychological and social compatibility among orphan students in the southern governorates of Palestine. The researchers used the descriptive analytical method and the study sample consisted of orphan students at Al-Amal Institute،and the researchers used the questionnaire as a study tool. Orphan students reached (2.387) with a relative weight (79.6) with a grade large ،and the results also showed that the average levels of psychological and social compatibility for orphan students reached (2.35) and (2.40)،respectively،and relative weight (78.42) and (80.08) for psychological and social compatibility،with medium grade. And the results also showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the average responses to the degree of positive thinking and psychological and social compatibility attributed to the study variables (gender،the reason for the orphan)،and the study recommended that the institute adopt courses and training programs to develop positive thinking among orphan students،also recommended that The Ministry of Education،in cooperation with the Institute،is adopting an educational program concerned with the general mental health of orphaned children and compensation and community integration programs.


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How to Cite

Aburahma, mohammed, abu leila, hussein, & arafat, hanadi. (2024). the degree of positive thinking and its relationship to psychological and social compatibility among orphan students in the southern governorates of Palestine. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 6(14).

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