The degree to which Palestinian refugees in the Gaza governorates use social networking sites to introduce their cause and ways to develop it


  • Prof. Dr. Suleiman Hussein Al-Muzain Author
  • Dr.Mohamed Hasan Abu Rahma MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author
  • Dr. Hussein Abdel Karim Abu Leila MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author
  • Talaat Muhammad Al-Jed MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author



Social networking sites - Palestinian refugees - Gaza Governorates


This study aims at examining the use of social media to promote the Palestinian cause among Palestinian refugees. The data was collected using (31) item survey that included questions about the utilization of social media to promote the refugee cause in general and to promote the Palestinian original towns. The study sample included 180 individuals. Data analysis showed that Palestinian refugees in the Gaza Strip moderately used social media to promote their cause and original towns. The study also found no significant differences in the utilization of social media based on the variables of gender, age, educational attainment, and social media type. Finally, the study concluded the importance of raising the Palestinian awareness of the role social media could play in memorializing the refugee issue, and for that, , meetings, seminars, and speeches in Palestinian mosques, radio stations and could be used. Schools, universities and civil organizations must encourage too.


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How to Cite

The degree to which Palestinian refugees in the Gaza governorates use social networking sites to introduce their cause and ways to develop it. (2021). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(2), 155-176.

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