The level of competence of educational supervisors in light of their training needs, according to comprehensive quality standards


  • Prof. Dr. Abdel Ati Musa Qaddal Department of Fundamentals of Education, University of the Holy Qur’an and Rooting of Sciences, Sudan Author
  • dr.hussein abu leila Ministry of Education / Palestine Author
  • Dr. Mahmoud Ibrahim Abu Khalaf Allah Associate Professor, Al-Aqsa University - College of Education, Palestine Author


Efficiency, educational supervisors, needs, total quality


This study aims to develop the competence of educational supervisors in the southern governorates of Palestine in the light of their teaching needs according to comprehensive quality standards. The researcher used the analytical descriptive approach. used two ,One of the most significant results of the study that the level of educational supervisors' performance from the point of view of the teachers came with a relative weight of (75.41%) and with a highly  rated degree, and the results showed that there are no statistically significant differences in the responses of the study sample members to the level of educational supervisors' performance according to the gender variable and there are statistically significant differences according to the variables of experience, region and school grade, and the results showed that the reality of training needs of educational supervisors from their point of view came with a relative weight (49.30%) with a low rated degree. Also, the results showed that there were statistically significant differences in the responses of the sample members to the degree training needs of educational supervisors according to the gender variable, experience, governorate and there were no statistically significant differences according to the variable of the qualification degree. The study recommended developing standards for selecting educational supervisors, conducting in-depth interviews and relying on previous performance reports in the selection process to choose an educational supervisor in which the physical, moral and psychological characteristics of the educational supervisor are realized.Tha study recommended holding courses related to educational supervisors' use of modern technology, including the Internet and computers.


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How to Cite

The level of competence of educational supervisors in light of their training needs, according to comprehensive quality standards. (2021). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(1), 209-237.

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