The reality of the teaching practices of mathematics teachers in the light of the training course skills in thinking in the teaching of mathematics in the schools of south Hebron


  • Ayman Ibrahim Fakiat An-Najah National University, College of Education Author


Twenty-first century skills, problem solving, critical thinking, communication, creativity


The study touched on the subject of the reality of the teaching practices of mathematics teachers in the light of the twenty-first century thinking skills in teaching mathematics in the schools of south Hebron, to highlight the role of teachers in refining their talents and keeping pace with innovation and development. Mathematics teachers for the tenth academic grade of twenty-first century skills in thinking in the teaching of mathematics in the schools of South Hebron?? Which branched out from several other questions, and the study aimed to benefit mathematics teachers by developing their performance and highlighting the requirements that may help mathematics teachers in activating the twenty-first century skills to develop performance. The study reached several results, the most iprominent of which were:There is a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level of mathematics teachers' estimates of teaching practices (the reality of practices, requirements) for mathematics teachers in thinking about teaching mathematics according to gender in favor of males. Based on the study and its results, the researcher made several recommendations, the most important of which were: Determining the training needs of mathematics teachers in the light of the skills of the twenty-first century, in the light of which professional development plans for teachers can be drawn to develop their performance Develop teacher professional development programs in line with the requirements and developments of the current era.


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How to Cite

The reality of the teaching practices of mathematics teachers in the light of the training course skills in thinking in the teaching of mathematics in the schools of south Hebron. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 106-133.