School that attracts learning to be a basis for developing the educational process in Palestine, Nablus governorate as a model


  • Marwan Abdel Qader Bakir Palestinian Ministry of Education Author
  • Ibrahim Abdullah Al-Nouri وزارة التربية والتعليم الفلسطينية/ فلسطين Author


The attractive school - educational reform - school development.


The current study aimed to arrive at a proposed conception of the school that attracts learning to be a basis for developing the educational process in Palestine, Nablus governorate as a model in order to correct the reluctance, dropout, and interruption of education that some students suffer from in traditional schools in Palestine. For their dissatisfaction with the provision of service in line with the requirements of the twenty-first century, and the technological and digital revolution. To achieve this, the researchers used the descriptive analytical method; To get acquainted with the foundations on which the attractive school rests, with the results and recommendations of previous studies that are consistent with the Palestinian situation This is done through an in-depth study of the literature related to the subject of the study, and the results of previous studies related to the subject, in addition to reviewing and surveying the opinions of those interested in the educational process, especially (students, school principals, teachers, educational supervisors, parents’ councils) using (individual midwives, and group interviews); To identify the basis on which to build on the attractive characteristics and requirements of the school. To be a school (meaningful for its students, advanced in its management, with a strategic vision, with a model building with its technical equipment, a supportive environment for learning - gaining skills, catering to students’ needs and tendencies, employed by technological and electronic methods and capabilities, a sponsor of creativity, focusing on active learning, with flexible curricula Adaptive - advanced teaching strategies and methods - concerned with the professional growth of teachers..


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

School that attracts learning to be a basis for developing the educational process in Palestine, Nablus governorate as a model. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 104-122.