"The Role of Community Initiatives in Promoting Psychological and Creative Sustainability Among Adolescent Girls in Conflict Environments: A Case Study of the 'Together No to Surrender' Initiative in Gaza Strip"


  • Faten Ahmed Abu Youssef Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author




Conflicts, psychological sustainability, creativity, girls, community initiatives


The study aimed to evaluate the impact of community initiatives on enhancing psychological and creative sustainability among young girls in conflict environments, using the "Together Against Giving Up" initiative in the Gaza Strip as a case study. The study employed a descriptive analytical approach, utilizing questionnaires and interviews to collect data from a sample of 100 girls aged between 12 and 18 years. The findings revealed a significant improvement in the psychological well-being of participants, with anxiety and depression levels decreasing by 30%, and self-confidence increasing among 80% of the girls. Additionally, creative activities such as drawing and writing contributed to enhancing self-expression skills, with 70% of participants expressing increased interest in developing their creative abilities. The study recommended expanding the scope of such initiatives to include other conflict-affected areas, with a focus on activities aimed at building self-confidence and fostering creative skills. It also emphasized the importance of providing sustainable psychological support in collaboration with local and international organizations to ensure the continuity of these efforts and achieve a deeper impact on the mental health of girls.


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How to Cite

Abu Youssef, F. . (2025). "The Role of Community Initiatives in Promoting Psychological and Creative Sustainability Among Adolescent Girls in Conflict Environments: A Case Study of the ’Together No to Surrender’ Initiative in Gaza Strip". Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 7(15), 243-254. https://doi.org/10.69867/PEAJ100