The level of educational supervisors 'use of the supervisory method based on critical friendship from the teachers' point of view - Field study in UNRWA schools -


  • dr.mohammed alqatati Doctorate in Educational Sciences - Yahya Fares University - Medea, Algeria Author


educational supervisors, supervisory style, critical friendship


The aim was to identify the level of educational supervisors' use in UNRWA schools of the supervisory method based on critical friendship, as well as to reveal the direction of the differences according to the variable (gender, academic qualification, and years of service). The researcher applied the descriptive method in his analytical method, and used the questionnaire on a sample of (368) a teacher was chosen by the stratified randomized method, and the most important results were: The degree of teachers ’appreciation of the educational supervisors’ use of the supervisory method based on critical friendship is large with a relative weight (71.1%). There are also statistically significant differences due to the gender variable in favor of females, and there are no differences attributable to the rest Study variables.


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How to Cite

The level of educational supervisors ’use of the supervisory method based on critical friendship from the teachers’ point of view - Field study in UNRWA schools -. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(1), 107-124.