The degree of ambition and its relationship to educational attainment of orphaned children and their counterparts in schools in the southern governorates of Palestine


  • Dr.Mohamed Hasan Abu Rahma Palestinian Ministry of Education Author
  • dr.hussein abu leila Palestinian Ministry of Education Author
  • Dr. Muhammad Abdel Karim Al-Qatati niversity - Medea, Algeria Author
  • Safaa Abdel Fattah Jarada Palestinian Ministry of Education Author



ambition, academic achievement, orphan students, southern Palestine governorates


The study aimed to identify the degree of ambition and its relationship to educational attainment of orphaned children and their counterparts in schools in the southern governorates of Palestine. Adjusting it to suit the study. One of the most important results of the study is that the total score for the level of ambition among orphaned children is (69.08%) and their counterparts (81.71%), and it has been shown that the total score for the level of academic achievement of non-orphan students is (63.944%) and for orphan students is (49.86%) and has shown no There is a correlation between Mist The aspiration and achievement of orphan children and the existence of a positive correlation between the level of ambition and achievement among children who are not orphans in schools in the southern governorates of Palestine, and one of the most important recommendations is to focus on ways to develop and raise the level of ambition among students, by raising awareness among teachers and workers in institutes designated for orphans and the schools they attend The researchers recommend to officials in the Ministry of Education, and the authors of the curricula, the need to develop curricula that suit the students ’mindset, and suit the age at which they pass, making them more able to increase their academic achievement. And pay attention to education strategies so that Conscious students the needs of orphans and increase their motivation.


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How to Cite

Aburahma, mohammed, abu leila, hussein, al-qatati, mohammed, & Jarada, S. (2021). The degree of ambition and its relationship to educational attainment of orphaned children and their counterparts in schools in the southern governorates of Palestine. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(1), 84-106.