Supervisory practices of English language supervisors in light of the requirements of smart learning (reality and challenges


  • Dr.Mohammed Hasan Aburahma Palestinian Ministry of Education Author
  • dr.hussein abu leila Palestinian Ministry of Education Author
  • Samar Musharraf Al-Abadla Ministry of Education and Higher Education - Palestine Author



skills, English language, secondary level, smart learning


The study aimed to identify the reality of the supervisory practices of the supervisors of English language in the light of the requirements of smart learning in Gaza Governorates, The researchers used a descriptive analytical method, they use a questionnaire, the study sample consisted of (92) English language teachers of in secondary school. The main Conclusions: • The total degree of the reality of the supervisory practices to the supervisors of English language estimate with a relative weight of (51.69). • The First Field " The use of smart communication" gained the first place and  with the relative weight (60.8%), in second place the field " The development of educational practices using smart learning " with a relative weight of (44.9%). • There are no statistically significant differences due to the variable (Gender- Academic Degree- years of service). The Researchers Recommends the following: • Held Training courses for educational supervisors in procedures of smart learning • The need to Develop criteria for selecting supervisors who have skills in using computer and world wide web. • Provide adequate infrastructure in the laboratories for the supervisors in order to apply smart learning in teaching English language.


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How to Cite

aburahma, mohammed, abu leila, hussein, & Al-Abadla, S. . (2021). Supervisory practices of English language supervisors in light of the requirements of smart learning (reality and challenges. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(1), 50-70.