The role of Palestinian universities in nurturing creative students - Al-Quds University/Abu Dis as a model.


  • Nasser Majid Al-Jabareen Palestinian Ministry of Education Author


Role - Palestinian Universities - Caring for Creative Students


caring for creative students Al-Quds/Abu Dis University as a model, and to reveal the impact of the classification variables of research (gender, college, and level of study) on the estimates of the destination To achieve these goals, the researcher built and codified a tool that consisted in its final form of (43) paragraphs distributed to (3) areas, and applied it to a sample of (200) students, and was used to analyze their answers Sense averages. The results of the research showed that the role of Palestinian universities in caring for creative students from the point of view of Al -Quds University students came to a high degree, as the average arithmetic for the total degree reached (3.69) by a percentage of (73.8%). Very much. The results of the research also indicated that there are no statistically significant differences between the average estimates that the role of Palestinian universities in caring for creative students from the point of view of Al -Quds University students is due to any of the classified variables of the research.


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How to Cite

The role of Palestinian universities in nurturing creative students - Al-Quds University/Abu Dis as a model. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 356-371.