A proposed program in the professional development of mathematics teachers in the basic stage in Palestine, and its effectiveness in using creative problem-solving and decision-making strategies for them and its impact on their development among their stu


  • Dr.. Nisreen Hikmat Dweikat School Education - Ministry of Education - Palestine Author


professional development, creative problem-solving strategies, decision-making


 The research goal is to study the effectiveness of a proposed program in the field of professional development of primary mathematics teachers in Palestine through using creative problem-solving, and decision-making teaching strategies, and its impact on pupils' performance. To achieve this goal, the researcher reviewed previous relevant literature and research studies, as well as the opinions of specialists and educators to draw up a list of teaching strategies that should be followed by primary mathematics teachers, and which the researcher implemented in building the program, and designing the research tools: Observation Cards, Decision-Making Scale for teachers, Creative Problem-Solving and Decision-Making Grids Tests, for students. These tools were applied in the scholastic year 2020/ 2021 on the target group, which consisted of 15 primary mathematics teachers, and 300 students in Ramallah governorate.

 The researcher used the descriptive approach to prepare the program and the research tools. However, she used the qualitative research method to analyze the work of teachers and their students..

The main findings of the research have summarized in a set of recommendations and proposals, as the followings: the design of professional development programs, including teaching strategies that develop the use of creative problem solving, decision-making, curriculum development and design in the light of social constructivism and post-constructivism, allowing students to contribute for building their knowledge using syntactic and convergent thinking patterns.


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How to Cite

A proposed program in the professional development of mathematics teachers in the basic stage in Palestine, and its effectiveness in using creative problem-solving and decision-making strategies for them and its impact on their development among their stu. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 342-355. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/140