The effect of using the SAMR model on developing critical thinking skills to achieve technological creativity and academic achievement in chemistry among tenth grade students


  • فاطمة خليل خميس Fatima Khalil Khamis Al-Quds University - Palestine Author


SAMR Model - Critical thinking technological innovation


This study aimed to investigate the impact of applying SAMR model in developing This study aimed to investigate the impact of applying SAMR model in developing 21st century skills of the 10th graders in Bethlehem directorate of Education in the school year 2016/2017 and their academic achievement in chemistry. The number of female and male students is (3571). The study had been applied to a purposive sample who were selected from Al-Shawawreh secondary girls school and Thweb Secondary boys school. The sample of the study consists of 94 students divided into experimental and control groups in both schools. The researcher prepared an observation card Rubric to measure the development of their 21st century skills (cooperation, communication, and technological creativity) and a critical thinking tests in chemistry based on the organic chemistry unit and an achievement test in their chemistry textbook, and. The reliability and the validity of the research tools were verified. The researcher prepared a teacher manual based on SAMR 


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مراجع المواقع الالكترونية



How to Cite

The effect of using the SAMR model on developing critical thinking skills to achieve technological creativity and academic achievement in chemistry among tenth grade students. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 89-105.