"The Predictive Capability of Project-Based Learning in Addressing the Effects of Wars and Restructuring Affected Communities: An In-Depth Analysis of the Palestinian Case"


  • Falesteen Izzat Mahmoud Taha Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author
  • Mohammed Kamel Youssef Salama Ministry of Education and Higher Education, Palestine Author




Project-based learning, wars, restructuring, affected communities, Palestinian case


The aim of the research is to investigate the impact of wars on the educational process, explore the benefits of project-based learning strategies, and examine the predictive ability of project-based learning in addressing the effects and repercussions of wars in Palestine. The research employed a descriptive approach, conducting a review of educational literature related to the study topic and analyzing the results of previous studies to draw general conclusions. The research found several results, including: wars have negative repercussions on the educational process, both in terms of the total or partial damage to the infrastructure necessary for education and schools, student disruption from the educational process, and the loss of security and stability, which negatively affects the student's psychological state. Additionally, the project-based learning strategy helps reduce the negative effects of wars in Palestine by maintaining the student's connection to the educational process, encouraging innovation and critical thinking, promoting collaboration to overcome challenges, and utilizing available resources to continue learning. The research concluded with several recommendations, including strengthening the use of project-based learning strategies in Palestinian schools.


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How to Cite

Taha, F. ., & Salama, M. . . (2024). "The Predictive Capability of Project-Based Learning in Addressing the Effects of Wars and Restructuring Affected Communities: An In-Depth Analysis of the Palestinian Case". Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 7(15), 227-242. https://doi.org/10.69867/aa53zh33