The role of cognitive competencies and dress among teachers of integration classes in the governorates of Gaza


  • Asmaa abu Mustafa Special Education - College of Education - Butana University - Sudan Author


Cognitive competencies, integration, Gaza governorates


This study aimed to identify the role of the cognitive competencies associated with inclusion among the teachers of inclusion classes in the governorates of Gaza. The parameters were divided equally into an experimental group and a control group; To achieve the objectives of the study،a questionnaire was built for the cognitive competencies of the teachers of the integration classes،and the validity and reliability of the study tools were verified،and the study reached the following results: With the integration classes parameters in favor of the dimensional application،there are no statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the experimental group in the post and follow-up measurements in favor of the follow-up measurement on the cognitive competencies associated with the integration among the integration classes parameters, The study recommended that teachers assigned to teach in inclusive education schools or inclusion programs be obliged to attend intensive specialized courses in the competencies of teaching students with disabilities, and to involve parents of children with disabilities in inclusion training programs


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How to Cite

The role of cognitive competencies and dress among teachers of integration classes in the governorates of Gaza. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 377-400.