“Caring for Talented and Creative People and Developing their ingenuine Abilities”


  • Amal abu hunessh MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Author


talent, creativity, general education, educational enrichment, educational acceleration


This research aims to identify the most important findings of educators in the field of caring for the gifted and creative to take advantage of the findings to care for such Palestinian students in the stages of public education, by defining the concept of talent and creativity and the importance of searching for them, reviewing the role of social, health and psychological care and its importance for creators and the gifted, the role of educational programs and the educational environment in their care, the development of their creative abilities and the refining of their talents, and the most important strategies used in providing educational programs for them.

 The researcher relied on the historical method and relied on the inductive approach to find out the needs of talented and creative Palestinian students in the general education stages. The problem of the research was the failure of the regular curricula in the general education stages to meet the needs of talented and creative students and develop their skills and the lack of qualified educational competencies to detect and deal with talents. The research reached a set of results, including:                                                                                                                                                                                  

  • The regular study curricula alone are deficient in developing the skills of gifted and creative students in meeting their needs.
  • Gifted and creative students need special social and psychological care, in addition to their academic needs.

The research concluded with a set of recommendations, the most important of which are:

  • The need to develop Palestinian educational programs in line with the levels of mental development of gifted and creative students.
  • Develop training programs to prepare and qualify teachers for the gifted and creative.


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المصادر والمراجع

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• الحروب، أنيس(1999)، نظريات وبرامج في تربية المتميزين والموهوبين،عمان: دار الشروق.

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• الشخص، عبد العزيز (2015)،أساليب التعرف على المتفوقين عقليا والموهوبين ورعايتهم وتنمية قدراتهم الابتكارية المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للموهوبين والمتفوقين: نحو إستراتيجية وطنية لرعاية المبتكرين ، من19-21 مايو ، جامعة الإمارات: كلية التربية.

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• الميلادي، عبد المنعم(2003)، المتفوقون، المبدعون. "آفاق الرعاية والتأهيل"، الإسكندرية: مؤسسة شباب الجامعة.

• الهاشمي، الشريف، (1993)،الأساليب العلمية لرعاية الموهوبين في الوطن العربي، بيروت: دار النصر.

المراجع العربية الإنجليزية

• Jihad, M., and Al-Huwaidi, Z. (2003), Methods for Detecting Creative and Outstanding Students and Developing Thinking and Creativity, (in Arabic), United Arab Emirates: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi.

Al-Hroub, A (1999), Theories and Programs in Education of the Distinguished and Talented, (in Arabic). Amman: Dar Al Shorouk.

Al-Hourani, M. (1999), international experiences in raising and encouraging creativity, (in Arabic), Kuwait: Al-Falah Library.

• Zaghloul, P. (2010), Outstanding and Creative Children, "Discovery - Their Care Methods - Developing Their Talents", (in Arabic) Cairo: Misr Al Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution.

• Person, P. (2015), methods of recognizing the mentally gifted and gifted, caring for them and developing their innovative capabilities, The Second International Conference for the Gifted and Talented: Towards a National Strategy for Nurturing Innovators, (in Arabic) from May 19-21, UAE University: College of Education.

• Saleh, M. (2006), Skills of Gifted People and Means of Developing Their Creative Abilities, (in Arabic), Amman: Dar Osama for Publishing and Distribution.

• Abdel-Hamid, p. (2008), Caring for the Gifted "Psychologically - Culturally - Socially", Cairo: Hebat El-Nil Arabia for Publishing and Distribution.

• Abdel Kafi, A (2009), Tests and Measures of Giftedness and Creativity "Educational, Psychological and Social Tests for Children, Youth, Women and Men", (in Arabic) Alexandria: Alexandria Book Center.

• The Arabic Language Academy in Cairo, Al-Mu'jam Al-Waseet, (in Arabic) Part 1-2, Edition 3, Turkey: The Islamic Library.

• Gregorian, P. (2003), The Outstanding. The Creators. "Prospects of Care and Rehabilitation", (in Arabic) ,Alexandria: University Youth Foundation.

Al-Hashemi, A, (1993), Scientific Methods for Caring for the Gifted in the Arab World, (in Arabic)

Beirut: Dar Al-Nasr.

المصادر والمراجع

• جهاد، محمد، والهويدي، زيد(2003)،أساليب الكشف عن المبدعين والمتفوقين وتنمية التفكير والإبداع،الأمارات العربية المتحدة: دار الكتاب العربي.

• الحروب، أنيس(1999)، نظريات وبرامج في تربية المتميزين والموهوبين،عمان: دار الشروق.

• الحوراني، محمد ، (1999)،تجارب عالمية في تربية الإبداع وتشجيعه، الكويت:مكتبة الفلاح.

• زغلول، عاطف (2010)، الأطفال المتفوقون والمبدعون"اكتشافهم-أساليب رعايتهم- تنمية مواهبهم"، القاهرة: مصر العربية للنشر والتوزيع.

• الشخص، عبد العزيز (2015)،أساليب التعرف على المتفوقين عقليا والموهوبين ورعايتهم وتنمية قدراتهم الابتكارية المؤتمر الدولي الثاني للموهوبين والمتفوقين: نحو إستراتيجية وطنية لرعاية المبتكرين ، من19-21 مايو ، جامعة الإمارات: كلية التربية.

• صالح، ماهر(2006)، مهارات الموهوبين ووسائل تنمية قدراتهم الإبداعية، عمان: دار أسامة للنشر والتوزيع.

• عبد الحميد، صلاح(2008)، رعاية الموهوبين"نفسيا- ثقافيا- اجتماعيا"، القاهرة: هبة النيل العربية للنشر والتوزيع.

• عبد الكافي، إسماعيل(2009)، اختبارات ومقاييس الموهبة والإبداع"اختبارات تربوية ونفسية واجتماعية للأطفال والشباب والنساء والرجال"،الإسكندرية: مركز الإسكندرية للكتاب.

• مجمع اللغة العربية في القاهرة، المعجم الوسيط،ج1-2،ط3، تركيا: المكتبة الإسلامية.

• الميلادي، عبد المنعم(2003)، المتفوقون، المبدعون. "آفاق الرعاية والتأهيل"، الإسكندرية: مؤسسة شباب الجامعة.

• الهاشمي، الشريف، (1993)،الأساليب العلمية لرعاية الموهوبين في الوطن العربي، بيروت: دار النصر.

المراجع العربية الإنجليزية

• Jihad, M., and Al-Huwaidi, Z. (2003), Methods for Detecting Creative and Outstanding Students and Developing Thinking and Creativity, (in Arabic), United Arab Emirates: Dar Al-Kitab Al-Arabi.

Al-Hroub, A (1999), Theories and Programs in Education of the Distinguished and Talented, (in Arabic). Amman: Dar Al Shorouk.

Al-Hourani, M. (1999), international experiences in raising and encouraging creativity, (in Arabic), Kuwait: Al-Falah Library.

• Zaghloul, P. (2010), Outstanding and Creative Children, "Discovery - Their Care Methods - Developing Their Talents", (in Arabic) Cairo: Misr Al Arabiya for Publishing and Distribution.

• Person, P. (2015), methods of recognizing the mentally gifted and gifted, caring for them and developing their innovative capabilities, The Second International Conference for the Gifted and Talented: Towards a National Strategy for Nurturing Innovators, (in Arabic) from May 19-21, UAE University: College of Education.

• Saleh, M. (2006), Skills of Gifted People and Means of Developing Their Creative Abilities, (in Arabic), Amman: Dar Osama for Publishing and Distribution.

• Abdel-Hamid, p. (2008), Caring for the Gifted "Psychologically - Culturally - Socially", Cairo: Hebat El-Nil Arabia for Publishing and Distribution.

• Abdel Kafi, A (2009), Tests and Measures of Giftedness and Creativity "Educational, Psychological and Social Tests for Children, Youth, Women and Men", (in Arabic) Alexandria: Alexandria Book Center.

• The Arabic Language Academy in Cairo, Al-Mu'jam Al-Waseet, (in Arabic) Part 1-2, Edition 3, Turkey: The Islamic Library.

• Gregorian, P. (2003), The Outstanding. The Creators. "Prospects of Care and Rehabilitation", (in Arabic) ,Alexandria: University Youth Foundation.

Al-Hashemi, A, (1993), Scientific Methods for Caring for the Gifted in the Arab World, (in Arabic)

Beirut: Dar Al-Nasr.



How to Cite

“Caring for Talented and Creative People and Developing their ingenuine Abilities”. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 242-261. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/82