the degree to which school principals of the Kind Hamad Project for Future Schools practice electronic leadership in the light of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19


  • Dr.kathem Elsendy Bahraini Ministry of Interior Author
  • Dr.raghda bataina باحث مستقل Author


Electronic Leadership, King Hamad Schools for the Future, School Principals, Kingdom of Bahrain


Title in English (the degree to which school principals of the Kind Hamad Project for Future Schools practice electronic leadership in the light of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19))


The study aimed to reveal the degree to which school principals of the Kind Hamad Project for Future Schools practice electronic leadership in the light of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) from the teachers’ point of view. The study used the descriptive survey method. It consisted of (187) male and female teachers, and an electronic questionnaire was applied to them.

, consisting of (22) paragraphs distributed over three areas, and the results showed that the degree of the  practice of the school principals of the King Hamad Project for Future Schools for electronic leadership in the light of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19) from the teacher’s point of view was medium, with an arithmetic average of (3.66) Out of 5, the field of electronic leadership came in the first place, with a mean of (3.39), secondly came the field of electronic organization, with a mean of (3.66), and the third and last place came the field of electronic communication, with a mean of (3.67), and the results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of school leaders' use of electronic management from the teachers' point of view due to the gender variable. The researchers recommended the necessity of holding seminars and training workshops to activate the electronic management of the entire administrative system in the school, work to overcome the difficulties facing electronic leadership in administrative processes, and conduct an applied study on the extent of the practice of electronic leadership in the rest of the governorates of the Kingdom of Bahrain.


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How to Cite

the degree to which school principals of the Kind Hamad Project for Future Schools practice electronic leadership in the light of the Corona pandemic (COVID-19. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 224-241.