The Role of Palestinian Curricula and Suggested Teaching Strategies in Raising Students' Creativity of Higher Basic Grade According to Teachers in some Directorates of North Palestine


  • khitam hamarshah Ministry of Education - Jenin Education Directorate - Palestine Author


Palestinian Curricula , creativity development , Teaching strategies , upper basic stage


This study aimed at investigating the role of the Palestinian Curricula and their suggested teaching strategies in developing creativity for high basic stage students from the perspective of teachers in some directorates of Education in the north of Palestine. The researcher used questionnaire as a tool of research, and the research sample constituted 15% of community size. Moreover, it used descriptive approach, as it suits the aims of the study. It also used the program of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to analyze the collected data.

The findings showed that the utmost response for each domain was as follows: The first domain (the suggested activities in each lesson vary according to different topics). For the second domain (the Palestinian curricula focus on activating open teaching strategies like discussion and brainstorming). Furthermore, the findings showed that there are no differences of statistical indication in the role of Palestinian curricula and their suggested teaching strategies in developing creativity for high  basic stage students that are due to variables of gender and years of experience for teachers. However, there are differences that are due to the variable of qualification.

The researcher recommended increasing the training of teachers on applying the required strategies to implement the curricula and providing all necessary educational supplies to achieve the aims of these curriculam 


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The Role of Palestinian Curricula and Suggested Teaching Strategies in Raising Students’ Creativity of Higher Basic Grade According to Teachers in some Directorates of North Palestine. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 43-61.