“The relationship between social media communication Apps and the academic achievement of the tenth grade students in the Kafr Aqab area - Jerusalem from their point of view”


  • nabil romana Education and Psychology - University College of Educational Sciences - Palestine Author
  • khalid dwaik New Dawn Schools - Jerusalem, Palestine Author


social media, facebook, twitter, instagram, what‘s up, youtube.


Abstract: The study aimed to identify the relationship of social media to the academic achievement of the tenth grade students in Kafr Aqab - Jerusalem from their point of view, and to know whether there were statistically significant differences between the averages of the responses, due to the variables of each: gender, student average, number of The student’s hours of use per day, as the study population consisted of all the tenth grade students in the Kafr Aqab region - Jerusalem, whose number is (483) students, and the researchers chose a stratified random sample of (90) students, and the researchers adopted the descriptive analytical approach in completing The results of this study were to enable students to communicate with their colleagues and discuss their lessons freely, and to feel that they are people of value among their friends, and to enable them to communicate with their teachers outside official working hours, and to develop their thinking skills, and to develop their positive role in discussion and dialogue, and their sense of independence in self-learning, and encourage them to ask the questions they encounter during their studies in class; One of the most important advantages of social media and its relationship to academic achievement. Students feel fear and anxiety, a waste of time, effort and money, considering social media as a suitable place for defamation, harassment and forgery, depriving students of the opportunity to discuss the teacher as a basic source of knowledge, students feeling tired, physically and psychologically exhausted, and poor understanding and comprehension of the academic subject, and the unfairness of students in the evaluation and monitoring of results; One of the most important negatives of social media and its relationship to academic achievement.

In light of the results of the study, the two researchers recommended several recommendations, the most important of which were: Enhancing the positive aspects of social media for students, teachers, and parents, and correcting the negative aspects of social media for students, teachers, and parents.


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How to Cite

“The relationship between social media communication Apps and the academic achievement of the tenth grade students in the Kafr Aqab area - Jerusalem from their point of view”. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(7), 1-16. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/74