the degree of possession of physical education teachers of methods of resolving conflicts and its relationship to the values of tolerance among secondary school students in the governorates of Gaza


  • Mohammed omer nabhan Ministry of education Palestine Gaza Author


physical education teachers, conflict resolution methods, tolerance values


The study aimed to identify the degree of possession of physical education teachers of methods of resolving conflicts and its relationship to the values of tolerance among secondary school students in the governorates of Gaza. The researcher followed the descriptive approach. The study sample was chosen randomly. The study tool was a questionnaire for teachers and another questionnaire for students, and the most important results of the study were that there was no relationship between each of the problem-solving methods and the value of tolerance among secondary school students, and there were no statistically significant differences in the degree of physical education teachers’ possession of methods of solving Conflicts according to the variable of sex and years of service, and the lack of statistically significant differences in the degree of tolerance values among secondary school students attributed to the variable of the Directorate. Similar to developing problem-solving methods for teachers and instilling values of tolerance in their students. Accustoming students to constructive dialogue and daring to express opinions and accepting differences of opinion.


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How to Cite

the degree of possession of physical education teachers of methods of resolving conflicts and its relationship to the values of tolerance among secondary school students in the governorates of Gaza. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(8), 184-202.