The role of training and development in developing the skills of human resources managers


  • zilfaa yunis 'abu ghali The Islamic University of Gaza - College of EducationThe Islamic University of Gaza - College of Education Author


Training, development, human resources management skills


This article talks about training and development in human resources management, its importance, types and stages of implementation. Training and development are two concepts that refer to the practices and efforts that organizations make to help their employees improve and develop their skills and knowledge. It is an investment in human capital, as what the organization spends on training its employees returns to it with profit and material return by improving the performance of employees and thus increasing productivity, so training is one of the most important human resource management strategies in any organization that seeks to achieve success in the long term, and one of Here we see the importance of investing in training as a means to achieve the goals of the organization, raise the efficiency of its employees and improve the level of their performance of their jobs, and the need for all organizations to train at different levels and the nature of their work and the services they provide, and that trained human resources are considered one of the critical success factors for any successful organization, which It achieves a high competitive advantage, with the need to pay attention to diversity in training methods, relying on modern technological means in order to keep abreast of the developments and changes taking place in our contemporary world, and in preparation to face the challenges in the future.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The role of training and development in developing the skills of human resources managers. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(8), 28-37.