The role of creative education among public school teachers in achieving sustainable development (A field study))


  • feda abdalrouf saleh majdalawi Educational Sciences - Arab American University - Palestine Author


Creative education- Teachers in government schools- Sustainable development


The study aimed to identify the role of creative education among teachers in achieving sustainable development, and to detect differences in the estimates of the study sample for the role of creative education in achieving sustainable development according to the variable: (social gender, educational qualification, number of years of service), and to achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher Using the descriptive analytical approach, the study sample consisted of (255) male and female teachers from government schools in the northern governorates of Palestine, and the researcher prepared the study tools represented by the questionnaire, and the study reached the following results: And the absence of statistically significant differences in the estimates of the study sample of the role of creative education in achieving sustainable development due to the gender variable, with the exception of the dimension of cooperation and interaction, the differences were in favor of females, and the presence of statistically significant differences in the estimates of the study sample of the role of creative education in achieving sustainable development due to For the educational qualification variable, except after encouraging innovation, there were no statistically significant differences.


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How to Cite

The role of creative education among public school teachers in achieving sustainable development (A field study)). (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 3(9), 323-353.