The role of Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie in developing creative thinking among its students from the point of view of the students themselves


  • HISHAM ABDULRAHMAN SHANAA Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie - Palestine Author


role, creative thinking, Kadoorie University


The current study aimed to identify the role of Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie in developing creative thinking among its students from the point of view of the students themselves. The researcher used the analytical descriptive approach. The results of the study are that the total score for the role of Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie in developing creative thinking among its students was to a large degree, while the total score for the obstacles facing students at Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie in developing their creativity from their point of view was in a medium degree, and the results showed that there were statistically significant differences In the educational level variable by comparing the first, second, third, fourth and more levels, the result was that there were differences between the first academic level and the rest of the levels, while the results of the study showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the role of the university in developing creativity among its students according to the variables (sex, college of study, and place of housing), and one of the most important recommendations of the study based on the results is to work on developing creative thinking skills among university students by activating self-learning and developing the appropriate teaching curriculum for that, and introducing the “Creative Thinking” course in academic plans.


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How to Cite

The role of Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie in developing creative thinking among its students from the point of view of the students themselves. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 3(9), 206-232.