The effectiveness of the generative learning strategy in developing the skill of solving mathematical problems among the sixth grade students in the Nablus district


  • TAHANI ABDULRAHEEM ABDULLAH Ministry of Education/Palestine Author


Generative education strategy, mathematical problem-solving skill


The objective of the current research is to study the effectiveness of the generative learning strategy in developing the skill of solving mathematical problems among the sixth grade students in the Nablus district. Of 48 female students from the sixth grade in Surat Girls Secondary School in Nablus district, they were divided equally into two groups: experimental (studied using the generative education strategy) and control (studied using the usual method) after verifying the equivalence of the two groups. The researcher prepared a test for solving mathematical problems, and its validity, stability and application were confirmed laterally on the students of the two groups. Mathematics for different educational stages.


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How to Cite

The effectiveness of the generative learning strategy in developing the skill of solving mathematical problems among the sixth grade students in the Nablus district. (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 3(9), 25-45.