Digital technology and its implications for the values of citizenship among Palestinian youth
digital technology, citizenship values, citizenshipAbstract
The study aimed to reveal the extent to which digital technology reflects on the values of citizenship among Palestinian youth from their point of view, and to reveal the differences in the responses of the study sample members about the extent to which digital technology reflects on the values of citizenship among Palestinian youth according to the variable (gender, number of hours of stay on social networking sites, more The social networking sites are a regression), the questionnaire was used as a tool for the study, it followed the descriptive analytical approach, and the tool was applied to (250) Palestinian youth. Community participation) among Palestinian youth, the tool obtained a large approval rate with an average of (77.5)(The values of "community participation" ranked first, followed by "belonging and loyalty" and then civic participation, and the results of the study showed that there were statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.005) in the average responses of the study sample members about the level of digital technology's reflection on the values of citizenship among Palestinian youth according to the gender variable in favor of females, and there are no statistically significant differences at the level of significance (α≤0.005) in the average responses of the study sample members about the level of digital technology reflection on the values of citizenship among Palestinian youth according to the variables (hours of stay) and (most access sites social regression).
المصادر والمراجع
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