The role of the teacher in educational philosophies and the extent to which they are used in the Palestinian educational system


  • Dr.. Hossam El-Din Rifaat Harzallah University of Tripoli - Lebanon Author



teacher, educational philosophy, educational system, didactic


We believe that the teacher deserves, in the light of the educational system, attention worthy of his position, and raises the level of his work to implement the curriculum, and that it is he who determines the method of delivering the content of this curriculum to students, and he bears the responsibility of instilling values, building self, producing behavior and developing skills. Believing in God and loyal to the homeland, this study aimed to know the educational philosophies view of the teacher, including idealism, pragmatism, realism, naturalism, existentialism, and Islamism. It also recommended the development and reformulation of the qualification of teachers in public universities so that the role of the indoctrination teacher, which contradicts the nature of science, changes to a modern role in which the teacher is a guide and directs students on how to use scientific research and build a scientific mind based on thinking, description, analysis, prediction and criticism. It also recommended holding meetings and seminars for teachers by the Ministry of Education to explain and clarify the Palestinian educational philosophy and its relevance to the Palestinian reality.


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How to Cite

Harzallah, . . H. . (2021). The role of the teacher in educational philosophies and the extent to which they are used in the Palestinian educational system. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 1(1), 125-143.