(The role of the electronic application “Mawaheb” in enhancing students’ skills and developing aspects of creativity and excellence among gifted school students in the city of Jericho and the Jordan Valley.


  • salam abu haq Educational Guidance - Directorate of Education, Jericho - Palestine Author
  • Tasneem shikhali English language teacher - Omar Bin Al-Khattab School - Director of Education, Jericho - Palestine Author


Electronic application, talents, creativity, excellence, talented people


“The role of the electronic application “Mawaheb” in enhancing the skills of gifted students in the city of Jericho and the Jordan Valley” was studied with the aim of understanding how the application affects developing the skills of gifted students and enhancing their aspects of creativity and excellence. A qualitative research methodology was used, where the researchers' collected data through interviews with students, teachers, and education officials, in addition to content analysis of the collected data. The study showed promising results, as it revealed that the “Mawaheb” application has an effective role in enhancing the skills of gifted students, as it contributed to expand their educational horizons and enhance their interaction with educational materials in innovative and interesting ways. The application also contributed to motivating students to explore new fields and develop their personal and social skills. In addition, the study indicated that the “Mawaheb” application has a positive impact on the creativity and excellence aspects of students, as it provided them with opportunities to express their ideas and innovate new solutions to the challenges they face, which contributed to developing their creative abilities and enhancing their self-confidence. One of the most important recommendations of the study is to analyze the needs of gifted students and design customized educational programs aimed at developing their skills and enhancing their creative abilities in various fields. And using motivation and encouragement programs for gifted students, such as granting prizes, certificates, and distinguished opportunities, to motivate them to develop their talents and excel in their academic and creative performance.


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How to Cite

abu haq, salam, & SHEIKH ALI, T. (2024). (The role of the electronic application “Mawaheb” in enhancing students’ skills and developing aspects of creativity and excellence among gifted school students in the city of Jericho and the Jordan Valley . Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(11), 126-150. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/33