The role of multimedia in developing the Arabic language in Saudi university newspapers


  • mohammed motheeb mefras king khalid university abha saudi arabia Author


Multimedia - language - university newspapers


The study aimed to identify the impact of multimedia on the recipient in the newspapers of Saudi universities، to determine the multimedia used in the Afaq University newspaper، and to arrive at how to use the multimedia Afaq newspaper، as well as to reveal the methods of using multimedia in the development of the Arabic language in the Afaq newspaper، King Khalid University. And highlighting the types of multimedia used in Afaq newspaper، King Khalid University. Given the nature of the study and the goals it seeks to achieve، the researcher relied on the descriptive approach in his research، and the study community included all employees of Afaq newspaper، and the sample of the basic study was chosen in a random way and consisted of employees and students of Afaq newspaper، whose number reached (40) students and employees. The study tools، represented in the questionnaire prepared by the researcher، were applied، as the study was applied in the second semester of the academic year 1443 AH - 2022 AD. The results of the research found the following: Multimedia has an impact on the recipient in Saudi university newspapers by 53.7%، and the multimedia used in Afaq University newspaper is، fees، which amounted to 45%، then audio by 17.5%، then images by 15%، then video by 10% The sample members voted on the fixed drawings and caricatures for each of them at a rate of 2.5%، and the results also proved that there are behavioral effects of multimedia on the reader as a result of following up on Afaq newspaper by 41.5، while the sample members see that sometimes there is no effect at a rate of 36.6%. The study recommends the need to use Interactive multimedia programs because of their positive impact on achieving the objectives of teaching the Arabic language، and interest in interactive multimedia technology presentations، especially those that contain concepts and present them through examples and similes


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How to Cite

mefras, mohammed. (2024). The role of multimedia in developing the Arabic language in Saudi university newspapers . Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(11), 102-125.