Employing the fields of drama to serve guidance programs in a creative way


  • Aydah Ahmed harahshah Al-Quds university faculty of education Author


Areas of drama - guidance programs - creative


  Employing drama in counseling programs reflects an appreciation for the power of stories and representation to communicate information and concepts in an interesting and influential way. This study seeks to understand how drama can be used creatively to serve counseling programs. The research focuses on analyzing different experiences around the world where drama was used as a tool to achieve the goals of counseling in a more effective and interactive way. The summary examines the different ways in which drama can be employed in counseling programmes, such as the use of short plays, acting workshops, and dramatic games. The study also reviews the psychological, social, and educational benefits of using drama in this context, and how drama can contribute to enhancing communication, building self-confidence, and enhancing the social skills of participants in counseling programs. In conclusion, the study highlights the importance of adopting the creative use of drama in counseling programs as a powerful tool to achieve goals and enhance the positive impact on beneficiaries.


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How to Cite

Employing the fields of drama to serve guidance programs in a creative way. (2024). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 4(12), 221-243. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/28