Dynamics of Factors Influencing Students' Learning Motivation: A Secondary Analytical Study on Psychological, Social, and Cognitive Dimensions
Learning Motivation, Student Engagement, Teaching Strategies, Academic Achievement, Educational EnvironmentAbstract
This study aims to analyze the factors influencing students' learning motivation, focusing on the psychological, social, and cognitive dimensions. Learning motivation is considered a behavior directed toward achieving specific educational goals, and it is influenced by various biological, emotional, cognitive, and social factors. The factors related to the teacher, teaching strategies, educational environment, and students' personal characteristics interact to shape their motivation. The research adopted a secondary analytical approach, reviewing and analyzing educational literature and previous studies related to the topic as a primary source of information. The study results revealed that students' motivation is affected by several factors, such as the school environment, student-teacher relationships, teaching methods, curriculum quality, the role of family and community, as well as self-efficacy and personal interest in academic subjects. The study recommends the adoption of innovative teaching strategies that enhance student motivation and the provision of a supportive educational environment. It also emphasizes the importance of the teacher's, family’s, and community's role in increasing students' motivation levels. In conclusion, the study stresses the need to address learning motivation as an integrated process based on a set of influencing factors.
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