The impact of Israeli violations on the activation of the inclusive education policy for students with special needs from the point of view of inclusive education officials and parents


  • Fatima Jamil Abdullah Sous PhD Researcher in Education (Principles of Education) - Mansoura University - Egypt Author



Inclusive education, Israeli violations, students with disabilities, blended learning, Nablus


This study examines the impact of the Israeli war on the implementation of inclusive education policy in public schools in Nablus, particularly for students with disabilities. The war exacerbated the Palestinian Authority's economic situation, leading to a reduction in in-person school days and an increased reliance on blended learning, which negatively affected the educational and social aspects for students. The study highlights the effects of Israeli violations on the educational and social dimensions of students with disabilities from the perspectives of both parents and inclusive education officials. A qualitative approach was used, with interviews conducted with a sample of parents and officials. The results showed a significant impact of violations on both the educational and social aspects of students. The study recommends providing extracurricular social activities, utilizing shadow teachers, focusing on both educational and social integration, and enhancing in-person education to ensure the effective implementation of inclusive education policy.


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How to Cite

Sous, F. . (2024). The impact of Israeli violations on the activation of the inclusive education policy for students with special needs from the point of view of inclusive education officials and parents. Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 6(14).