The role of the educational institution in spreading the culture of leadership with love from the point of view of school principals and principals in Nablus Governorate


  • Sanaa Muhammad Daraghmeh Ministry of Education/Nablus Directorate Author


Leading, Leading With Love, the Standard


This study aims to examine the professional standards which assist to disseminate the culture of love and harmony at the educational institution; due to its influence in developing the sense of creativity among students. The study also strives for examining the impact of commitment to the professional standards to create an educational institution whose leader adopts the love-leadership methodology to achieve excellence and creativity. The study clarifies the influence of the educational institution in the dissemination of the culture of love-leadership from the perspective of principals according to different variables (sex, academic qualification, years of experience, and the educational stage of the school). The study sample consists of (150) male and female principals; which represents 83% approximately of the total number of principals, and the number of individuals who returned questionnaires was (75) individuals. The researcher used the field descriptive methodology to collect data from the study population. The researcher prepared a questionnaire consists of (28) questions, in addition to a compositional question to examine the suggestions which contribute in creating an educational institution which is based on love and toleration and strives for achieving leadership excellence in the development of creativity. The study problem is represented in our need for creative leaders who have the capacity to create an innovative culture at the educational institution. The study population consists of male and female principals of governmental schools at the Directorate of Education of Nablus governorate. The study reached to the following findings:

The study was summarized with a group of recommendations mentioned in the final part of the research; mainly:

•              Fostering and increasing the performance level of school principals by involving them in the training courses in the field of leadership; particularly love-leadership; given that these courses should be continuous and seriously followed-up


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The role of the educational institution in spreading the culture of leadership with love from the point of view of school principals and principals in Nablus Governorate. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 195-223.