Factors that affect the discovery of creative students and the role of the teacher’s intellectual biases in discovering creative people and increasing the effectiveness of their creativity


  • Dania Mansour Samaneh جامعة النجاح الوطنية-فلسطين An-Najah National University - Palestine Author
  • Lina Muhammad Samaana An-Najah National University - Palestine Author
  • Dima Muhammad Samaana An-Najah National University - Palestine Author


Intellectual biases. Gifted students


The study aimed to know the factors that affect the discovery of gifted students and the role of the teacher's intellectual biases in discovering gifted  people and increasing the effectiveness of their creativity. In this study, the descriptive analytical approach was followed by adopting a questionnaire as a means of data collection. The study sample consisted of 150 students and 30 teachers. The data were collected and analyzed using the Statistical Analysis Program for Social Sciences (SPSS). The most important findings of the study were the existence of a clear discrepancy about the students' classification of themselves and their peers, and the teachers' classification of them. So that the students have more opportunities for creativity and innovation than their teachers expected, and the role of intellectual biases is clear to the teacher in limiting the recognition of creativity, and thus becomes clear the limited role of the teacher in the gifted process because of it, and thus pay attention to the possibility of increasing its effectiveness by overcoming the factors that led to this limitation.


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How to Cite

Factors that affect the discovery of creative students and the role of the teacher’s intellectual biases in discovering creative people and increasing the effectiveness of their creativity. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 137-152. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/16