The directions of the Palestinian Ministry of Education towards exploring creative people, developing and nurturing creativity “The Science Exploration Program as a Model”


  • Murad Naji Abdel Ghani Ministry of Education / Palestine Author
  • Marai Abdel Hafez Sous Ministry of Education / Palestine Author


creativity, creators, fostering creativity, program, exploring science


In recent decades, the world has witnessed rapid developments in all aspects of life, accompanied by radical changes in the nature of life and its requirements, and the educational field, like other sectors of life, witnessed developments and challenges that imposed themselves, which drew attention to creativity in education to reach creative solutions to education problems, not Rather, education is seen as the gateway through which solutions to life problems of all kinds pass. Given the specificity of the research, we will try to search the literature on creativity in education and analyze the reality of creativity and creative projects implemented by the Palestinian Ministry of Education. The desk review of the research literature will be, and interviews will be conducted with students about creative programs. The followed results of the desk analysis indicated a great similarity in the concept of creativity with the vision and policy of the Ministry, and the results of the interviews indicated a change in students' attitudes towards learning science of all kinds because of participating in the Science Exploration Program. The study recommended constantly developing the ministry's policies to keep pace with the needs of society, continuing the science exploration program and developing its working mechanisms, and diversifying the experiences of the scientists who are hosted.


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How to Cite

The directions of the Palestinian Ministry of Education towards exploring creative people, developing and nurturing creativity “The Science Exploration Program as a Model”. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 123-136.