The extent of using and motivating activities in the 8th grade mathematics curriculum for creative thinking strategies "An analytical study"


  • Dr.. Yahya Zakaria Jabr Arab American University - Department of Education - Palestine Author
  • Nadia Zakaria Jabr مديرية التربية والتعليم – قسم الاشراف – نابلس Author
  • Ashjan Zakaria Jabr Directorate of Education - Supervision Department - Salfit Author


8th grade mathematics, book activities, creative thinking, content analysis


This study aimed to analyze the activities of 8th grade Palestinian math book; In regards to its inclusion of the elements of creative thinking, as well as the extent to which the international standards are used in activities by teachers, and the extent to which the curriculum and teachers have motivated students on these skills.  To achieve the aim of the study, an analysis card was built based on the Al-Asmar Analysis Card (2016), The results of the analysis of the book's activities showed that the curriculum contained a good percentage of creative thinking elements in general, where the percentage amounted to approximately 70%, but the results was not good with element of originality, which did not exceed 15%. Also, the ratio of teachers’ activation of these elements is 61.5%, which is less than 70% the percentage of the activities that contain elements of creative thinking in the book, and this is not satisfactory at all. The percentage of teachers activating the element of originality (one of the elements of creative thinking) in teaching students was absent.  Finally, the study recommended that the Ministry of Education re-evaluate all mathematics curricula in all their content, and the extent to which they contain activities that activate and stimulate the elements of creative thinking among students. As well as holding effective training workshops for teachers to activate creative thinking among students while teaching.


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How to Cite

The extent of using and motivating activities in the 8th grade mathematics curriculum for creative thinking strategies "An analytical study". (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(4), 80-91.