Creative leadership and change management in educational institutions Based on Contemporary Trends in Leadership


  • Dr.. Rawhiya Saad Al-Din Hamad Ministry of Education - Jordan Author


creative leadership, change management, educational institutions


The study aimed to identify creative leadership and change management in educational institutions based on contemporary trends in leadership, through the analysis and review of relevant educational research and literature. The current study relies on the analysis of educational literature that dealt with creative leadership and change management in educational institutions using the analytical approach. In light of this, the study presented the most important strategies for managing change, the factors helping to achieve creative leadership in educational institutions, and the importance of change to achieve creativity in educational institutions. The study came out with several recommendations, the most important of which are: The need to continuously develop criteria for selecting educational leaders, which emphasizes the need for educational leaders to possess the characteristics of a creative leader, such as: flexibility, fluency, sensitivity to problems, originality in thinking, analysis and linkage. The study also recommended the necessity of holding workshops and training programs that develop the skills of creative leadership and change management among educational leaders, such as: developing the ability to innovate, the desire for development, improvement and upgrading, improving the ability to adapt and compatibility with life requirements, and facing unstable circumstances and situations.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

Creative leadership and change management in educational institutions Based on Contemporary Trends in Leadership. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 319-336.