the role of the basic stage teachers in developing creative thinking skills among their students


  • Hosam Mahdi Rayhan Department of Educational Administration, Islamic University, Gaza Author


primary school teachers, creative thinking skills, the southern governorates of Palestine


The study aimed to know the role of the basic stage teachers in developing creative thinking skills among their students, and to reveal the existence of statistically significant differences between the average estimates of the sample members for the role of the basic stage teachers in developing creative thinking, due to the study variables (gender, academic qualification, years of experience). The researcher used the descriptive analytical method, and the study sample amounted to (376) male and female teachers in Gaza Governorate for the year (2021-2021).

Among the results of the study, where the relative weight of the total degree of the dimensions of the questionnaire was (81%), the field of realizing positive thinking skills got a relative weight of (83%), the field of detecting positive thinking skills got a relative weight of (77%), and the field of employing positive thinking skills On a relative weight of (83%), with statistically significant differences between the averages of the sample members for the role of primary school teachers in developing creative thinking due to the variable of gender, academic qualification, and years of service.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

the role of the basic stage teachers in developing creative thinking skills among their students. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 294-318.