The effectiveness of applying the creative process drama strategy in developing skills from ninth graders’ perspective in Salfit Governorate in Palestine


  • Yafa Juma Ahmed Ministry of Education - Palestine Author


effectiveness, process drama, skills


     This study aims to identify the effectiveness of creative process drama in the social, cognitive, linguistic and psychological-emotional aspects from the point of view of the ninth grader at Al-Zawiya Secondary Girls’ School. In order to achieve this, the researcher used a questionnaire consisting of (25) items that were distributed to a sample of (35) students from the mentioned school. After the process of distributing the questionnaire, it was collected, coded, entered into the computer, and processed statistically using the SPSS statistical package for social sciences. The results of the study indicated that there was a great response to the main study question about the effectiveness of applying drama in the social, cognitive, linguistic and psycho-emotional aspect from the ninth graders’ perspectives at Al-Zawiya Secondary Girls’  School, and indicated that the highest domains are (the psychological-emotional aspect) to a very large extent, followed by the (social aspect), then (the linguistic aspect) and in the last rank (the cognitive aspect), all of them to a large degree. In light of the results of the previous study, the researcher recommends the necessity of paying great attention to the subject of process drama, in addition to conducting more research on this subject.


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المصادر والمراجع

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How to Cite

The effectiveness of applying the creative process drama strategy in developing skills from ninth graders’ perspective in Salfit Governorate in Palestine . (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 241-258.