Creative performance of science teachers in Palestine: reality and challenges


  • Maysaa Mahmoud Bisharat Ministry of Education - tubas Education Directorate - Palestine Author


creative performance, the reality of creative performance, creativity challenges, science teachers


Creative performance is extremely important in education, especially in science education. The current study examines the awareness of science teachers, educational supervisors and headmasters of the reality of creative performance in science teaching in Palestine, and to identify the most important challenges that prevent it. (12) participants, participated in the research: (7) science teachers and (3) educational supervisors, in addition to (2) headmasters. The study used the interview as its tool for the study. The results of the study indicated that there is awareness among the participants about the concept of creativity in science teaching, and that the creative teacher is the product of the interaction of a creative personality and creative performance capable of producing something new. the study also showed that there are many challenges facing the science teacher and affecting his creative performance, including those related to the school administration, including those related to the curriculum, and challenges related to the student, in addition to challenges related to the teacher. The study recommends using quantitative research to explore the reality of the creative performance of science teachers in Palestine.


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How to Cite

Creative performance of science teachers in Palestine: reality and challenges. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 74-89.