Talented Discovery and Sponsorship Programs in Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Egypt/ A comparative study


  • Nisreen Saleh Sinokrot Directorate of Education in Hebron - Palestine Author


creative, talented, programs, discovery, sponsorship


This study aimed to present a proposed conception of programs for discovering and sponsoring talented students in Palestine in light of the experiences of Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Therefore, the comparative approach was used. The results of the theoretical study indicated that there is a significant shortening in the care of gifted students in Palestine for the following reasons: Educational policies lack regulations, legislation and plans for discovering and nurturing gifted and creative students, and schools do not have the appropriate environment to meet the needs of creative students, whether in scientific and electronic laboratories or specialized halls and rooms for talented and gifted students. There is no specific mechanism for applying the methods of discovering creators due to lack of planning and preparation of necessary programs to identify creators. School administration and teachers do not have the skills and competencies necessary to deal with creative students, they need training on how to discover and nurture creative people. Curricula and teaching methods do not suit the abilities and tendencies of creative people. These curricula are developed for the average student and do not take into account the characteristics and features of this category. Teachers must use educational strategies that provoke higher mental skills  and stay away from the method of memorization. A proposed conception was presented to nurture talented students in Palestine in light of the experiences of Saudi Arabia and Egypt.


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How to Cite

Talented Discovery and Sponsorship Programs in Palestine, Saudi Arabia and Egypt/ A comparative study. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 196-212. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/127