The role of educational institutions in developing creative skills among secondary school students, based on Ozbel’s opinions


  • Hanan Muhammad Obaidat Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Jordan, Amman - Jordan Author


creative skills, educational inistitutions


This study aimed to know the reality of the Jordanian educational system in developing the foundations of The Creative Skills among secondary school students, based on Ozil’s opinions. Where the population of the study consisted of all secondary school teachers in Jordanian public schools, and their number was (40100) teachers and the sample of the study reached (600) teachers, as they were chosen by random stratified method. To collect the study data, a questionnaire was developed, consisting of (48) items, divided into five areas. On The OF Ozil’s opinions  in Jordanian public schools in general was moderate. The arithmetic mean was (3.49), with a standard deviation (0.31).For the overall score of the scale, the arithmetic averages and standard deviations of the study sample estimates of the reality of the Jordanian educational system in developing the Creative Skills For Secondary School Students.among high school students based on Ozil’s opinions the according to the variables of gender, academic qualification, years of experience and the region were extracted, where apparent differences were found in the arithmetic averages and standard deviations of sample estimates It was found that there are differences in the study sample estimates of the reality of the Jordanian educational system in developing the The Creative Skills education among secondary school students based on the Ozil’s opinions according to the years of experience variable and the differences came between experience ( from 1 to 5 years) and experience (11 years or more) and in favor of experience (11 years). And more), and there were no differences between experience (1 to 5 years) and experience (6 to 10 years).


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How to Cite

The role of educational institutions in developing creative skills among secondary school students, based on Ozbel’s opinions. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 148-176.