Improving students’ achievement, enhancing their positive attitudes towards mathematics, and developing their creative thinking skills by activating interactive electronic activities (Our Devices, Our Hands, We Play, We Learn Initiative - 2020


  • Noor Anis Karazuon Ministry of Education - Palestine Author


electronic, activities, interactive, teaching, mathematics


The initiative aimed to improve students’ academic achievement, enhance their positive attitudes towards mathematics, and develop their creative thinking skills by activating interactive electronic activities in teaching third and fourth grades at Al-Bireh Elementary Mixed School in Palestine in the 2020/2021 school year. To achieve those goals, the educational content was analyzed and the desired educational outcomes were determined. Then, interactive games, activities and electronic tests were developed through several educational programs and platforms, Scaffolds were used in the five mathematical content areas: numbers and operations, geometry, measurement, algebra, statistics and probability. The observation method and a post-questionnaire were used to assess the impact of interactive electronic activities on students' academic performance and attitudes. The results showed that interactive electronic activities contribute to students’ desire towards learning mathematics. They also contribute to understanding mathematical concepts, which leads to improving students' academic achievement, in addition to developing their creative thinking skills, and supplying them with strategies for solving mathematical problems. The initiative recommended that Palestinian mathematics books for grades 1-4 include a set of interactive electronic activities that stimulate creative thinking among students. The study also recommended holding training and counseling courses on the use of electronic activities in teaching mathematics for teachers


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How to Cite

Improving students’ achievement, enhancing their positive attitudes towards mathematics, and developing their creative thinking skills by activating interactive electronic activities (Our Devices, Our Hands, We Play, We Learn Initiative - 2020. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(5), 131-147.