Title: "Promoting Reflective Critical Reading, Creative Writing, and Text Analysis to Highlight the Values of the Palestinian Cause: An Analytical Study"


  • Souad Youssef Hajajra Palestinian Ministry of Education/ Muscat Girls School/ Bethlehem District Author


: (Critical and contemplative reading, values of the Palestinian issue



The study aimed to investigate the impact of incorporating reflective critical reading, creative writing, and text analysis in educational curricula on highlighting the values associated with the Palestinian cause. Researchers conducted an analytical study involving a sample of students from various educational levels. The study utilized a mixed-method approach, combining qualitative data through interviews and quantitative data through pre- and post-intervention assessments.Enhanced Critical Thinking: The incorporation of reflective critical reading encouraged students to critically analyze texts related to the Palestinian cause. Students demonstrated an improved ability to question, analyze, and evaluate information, leading to deeper understanding and engagement with the subject matter. Creative Expression: Integrating creative writing activities provided students with a platform to express their thoughts, emotions, and perspectives on the Palestinian cause. Through storytelling, poetry, and other creative forms, students were able to articulate their understanding and empathy for the cause, fostering a sense of connection and solidarity. Textual Analysis Skills: The study found that teaching text analysis techniques enabled students to deconstruct and interpret complex narratives surrounding the Palestinian cause. By examining historical documents, media representations, and literary works, students developed a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted aspects of the issue.


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How to Cite

Title: "Promoting Reflective Critical Reading, Creative Writing, and Text Analysis to Highlight the Values of the Palestinian Cause: An Analytical Study". (2023). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 3(10), 169-192. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/110