A proposed strategy to transform Libyan universities into smart universities in light of the trends of leading digital universities


  • Dr.laila Al ezaeiby Doctorate in Educational Leadership - Department of Education and Fundamentals - Faculty of Educational Sciences - University of Jordan - Jordan Author
  • dina jamal Al edwan Master of Educational Administration - National Institute of Engineering and Administrative Sciences (Oxford Schools) Author


strategy, Libyan universities, smart university, leading digital universities.


     The study aimed to focus on the global strategic trends of smart global universities and the practices of their application; this contributes to foreseeing a proposed strategy with complete elements and pillars, including an executive plan to transform Libyan universities into smart universities in proportion to their available capabilities,  In light of the foregoing, the study aimed to present a proposed strategy for transforming Libyan universities into smart universities in light of the trends of the leading digital universities.  To answer the study questions; The researcher used the deductive analytical method, as she used the analytical method through a comprehensive description of the phenomenon and analysis of information related to the subject of the study, to devise an appropriate strategy to transform Libyan universities into smart universities. The study resulted in a number of results, the most important of which is the lack of availability of modern technologies in Libyan universities, the weakness of the Internet, in addition to the low benefit of faculty members from technological and informational developments; This led to a low level of digital transformation in Libyan universities. In light of these results, the researcher presented an integrated strategy to transform Libyan universities into smart universities in light of the trends of the leading digital universities.


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How to Cite

A proposed strategy to transform Libyan universities into smart universities in light of the trends of leading digital universities. (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 1-23. https://pal-ea.com/ojs/index.php/edu/article/view/100