The impact of modern teaching skills on the creativity skills of the secondary students in schools affiliated to Al-Quds Al sharif directorate (Awqaf schools)


  • Haya Abdel Hadi Abu Shaera Ministry of Education - Jerusalem Education Directorate - Palestine Author


modern teaching skills, the creativity skills.


The current study came with the aim of identifying the impact of modern teaching skills on the creativity skills of the secondary students in schools affiliated to Al-Quds Al sharif directorate (Awqaf schools).

 Where the researcher relied on the descriptive-analytical approach, and used the questionnaire as a tool for data collection.

In which validity and reliability were confirmed.  It was distributed to a sample of (90) male and female secondary school teachers in the schools affiliated to the Al-Quds Al-Sharif Directorate (Awqaf School).

The results of the study that there is a clear and positive effect between modern teaching skills and creativity skills of secondary school students, and that an increase in skills leads to improving students' creativity skills. It showed that the level of teaching skills and the level of students' creativity came to a large degree. The results revealed the existence of classes in education at an earlier level. And it resulted in the level of impact of modern teaching skills, creativity skills of secondary school students in the schools of Al-Quds Al-Sharif Directorate (Awqaf Schools).

Based on the results, the study recommended that secondary school teachers in the schools affiliated to the Jerusalem Directorate (Awqaf Schools) should give students the opportunity to participate in the lesson planning process.



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How to Cite

The impact of modern teaching skills on the creativity skills of the secondary students in schools affiliated to Al-Quds Al sharif directorate (Awqaf schools). (2022). Journal of the Palestinian Educators Association for Literature and Educational and Psychological Studies, 2(6), 32-55.